If that happens in FC 24 or not

In the past couple of years FIFA Ultimate Team has produced billions of dollars for the company. If all that goes away because of new laws or rules, EA might be in some difficulties. Preview packs could be the solution to allow EA to get around any future regulations and allow packs back i

In the past couple of years FIFA Ultimate Team has produced billions of dollars for the company. If all that goes away because of new laws or rules, EA might be in some difficulties.EA FC 24 Coins Preview packs could be the solution to allow EA to get around any future regulations and allow packs back in games in nations such as Belgium which have banned the loot-box type of transactions.

This is an interesting situation for both players as well as EA. With players able to see what cards they'll find inside the packs, they're likely to open them blindly every time. However, if they recognize a high-quality card in the pack, they could be more inclined to spend real money to purchase it, even if there's not enough game money.

In the course of a year-long cycle of FIFA it could have a major impact in the market that players use to purchase and sell their cards. If the players are only opening packs that have the top players as a result, less-rated cards could be depleted and create an market that appears completely different from the one that players typically are used to. Additionally, the price of premium cards could plummet from a cliff earlier during the year.

The players are already witnessing this happen through Preview Packs that are part of the current promotional. Cards that were an acceptable value prior to the promotion are now at their lowest value because they will be packed. This isn't necessarily a negative thing, as players want the top cards available in FIFA. But, it's hard to deny the impact that this has brought to the game in only one week. It's difficult to envision what footballers could be waiting for in the event that this becomes a permanent feature within FC 24.

If that happens in buy FC 24 Coins or not, it definitely seems that things are starting to change in EA Sports. The loot boxes controversy isn't going away anytime in the near future and EA appears to be making changes to its policy regarding the practice that are closer to consumers' demands and needs.