WoW cataclysm Gold and look at his experience bar

I can see how he did it. Yep, good job blizzard.

Good fucking job. NPC summons Avenue summon the next set of ads, the ads de spawn and give experience Okay. Wow, I love shit like this. I think it's amazing. exploit early exploit often guys that's the way the game works

I can see how he did it. Yep, good job blizzard.

Good fucking job. NPC summons Avenue summon the next set of ads, the ads de spawn and give experience Okay. Wow, I love shit like this. I think it's amazing. exploit early exploit often guys that's the way the game works WoW cataclysm Gold and look at his experience bar going up man like if he made it this fast he was getting level like every 50 minutes that's insane you can do it too can I yeah I don't know if I can.

Yeah I bet that yeah they probably patch the shit out the second that he saw it you can get banned yeah I don't think this guy why should this guy get banned like that's the way the game works I mean it's blizzards programming like I don't know I don't think banning people for this kind of stuff is a good idea why did they get banned I thought it was done the thing got banned back then too. Let's go pop Holy shit.

My favorite part about this guy winning the race is the fact that like every fucking Raider and retail Wow on Twitter is like man. Classic players. They sure suck huh? Yeah, these classic players are really bad at the game. Retail. WoW players are way better. Yeah, we're better yeah, this guy's a retail player.

Exactly. And so that's my favorite fucking part man. He's use of party a full level one dead characters for group experience. Oh, that works. I didn't know it worked that way. I thought they had to get the experience to happen I think it's time to All right, here. we go. I love how like there's like this this fucking emo. I'm amazed they had the hasard emoji. And there it is. Wow. Wow.

That's it. So he couldn't have shown it because if he had shown where he was farming, somebody could have come and killed the NPC that was spawning the goals. So that's why they didn't show it ha ha yeah, of course. Yeah, they wouldn't be able to do that or hot fix it or something like that. Exactly.

Wow. Fucking congrats to him. That's badass. I mean, look. I know some people are gonna go out and be like, go oh, well, you do? Are you Oh, no. I know, if you hit level 80 It doesn't matter how you do it. It doesn't matter what we fucking have to do how many people you have to use. It doesn't matter. If you hit level 81st You win.

That's it. He won. Yeah, I don't care about like, oh, well,
cheap WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold it wasn't supposed to work that way. Now of course it wasn't but like, you know it did? That's how it goes. Oh, no honor. There's only winners. That's right. Yeah. It's like imagine like think five years from now. Whenever somebody says who got the world first level ad, and then everybody's like, Oh, this guy got it.