WoW Cataclysm Classic real-time strategy

You can make a ton of gold it's really easy to get these you just need to know ahead of time to save them for like half a year. You're gonna make some really great gold especially if you have a bunch of them imagine them you know, let's see they're really easy to ge


You can make a ton of WoW cataclysm Gold it's really easy to get these you just need to know ahead of time to save them for like half a year. You're gonna make some really great gold especially if you have a bunch of them imagine them you know, let's see they're really easy to get you just open the gaily wrapped President throw in the auction house once you have a few of them. They're not bind on equip, they're not you know, anything like that. So that's tip number nine. You might not be able to do it right now.

But you know, put it in your calendar for next year to hold on to those pets make some really good gold. Alright guys, here we are at tip number 10. And this is going to be the most lucrative item you can find throughout this entire guide. We are in Booty Bay right now. And wow, my character is too tall. Can we go through the door?

All right, so this guy right here OGL Thorpe of Nauticus there are three quests and it involves saving a chicken a robotic chicken. You have to rescue the robotic chicken and feral loss in tanneries generous. And Hinterlands. You can actually see in the bottom right of my screen, I just did all three. I gotta let you guys know, you know, while you were leveling, you may have already done this. So that would be great. I didn't in my case.

So you know, I had to go back and do it. They're much easier by the way, this time around with the wrath changes, but the drop rate is insanely low. It's awful, it's terrible. Those drop rates are horrible. It takes quite a bit of time if you're gonna go out of your way to do it. However, when you get all three quests completed, you saved all three chickens, check out what happens here. So I'm gonna turn in these quests.

Alright, we're going to choose that. All right, choose that. Okay, and the failed flying experiment. Choose that. Here it is. That's Lea tricks by the way that does that really fast. We have our own mechanical chicken. And as you can see, this is not bind on pickup this can be put on the Auction House. You can see here market value. I ran it apparently almost two hours ago or Yeah, it'd be an hour ago. 635 Gold.

Now I've seen this checked yesterday, I believe I thought I saw let me check what I wrote down here, the price was going up to 3500 Gold. So anywhere from 640 635 to 3500. It was kind of arrange these four. Now the reason this is so valuable is because this this pet, you can only get one per character.

And you know that quest chain like I said, the drop rates are terrible, absolutely awful, takes forever in order to you know, find the chicken escort the chickens easy, especially if you're max level. But just finding the drop to start the quest is quite a pain. And so I'm going to list this on the Auction House, you can get hundreds and hundreds of gold. I'll let you know if it sells in the next section.

But this is a very big ticket item. If you haven't done it yet do those escort quests get this little chicken Pet, It's gonna make you some good gold. Alright guys coming in to tip number 11 We have the tranquil mechanical Yeti. Now this particular recipe does not exist, you can't go and buy the recipe you can't find the recipe, it can only be taught to you by the quest giver in winter spring after you help her create her own mechanical Yeti, you gotta collect some first and horns.

And at the end, if you're an engineer, she will teach you the recipe for 
WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold for sale this tranquil mechanical Yeti. And what's really great about this tranquil mechanical Yeti is that it sells for so much gold Look at this 133 Gold. Now this is much higher than the sum of its parts right like to gold for the hide, you know, 27 times for for the thorium widgets, you