Debt recovery

Case Study #012: Ex-boyfriend’s Debt

A client approached JMS Rogers to collect a debt that involved an ex-boyfriend.

During the period of their courtship, the debtor had continuously borrowed money from our client. And over the course of the 3-year courtship, the borrowed sum amounted to SGD$75,000.

When the courtship ended, our client asked for the money to be paid back. The debtor told our client that it was not borrowed but given during the courtship. The debtor refused to pay our client despite numerous requests.

This sum of money was essential to our client. JMS Rogers took on this case and handed the case over to the Personal Enforcement Team.

When the debtor was engaged by JMS Rogers, he claimed that the money was given and not borrowed. When asked to show proof that it was given, he said that he had deleted all texts when the courtship ended as he was emotionally affected by the break up.

Our case officers immediately showed the messages between our client and the debtor to the debtor. In those messages, it was clear that the money was borrowed as the debtor had texted numerous times that he will pay it back when he closes his sales deals. The debtor was in the sales industry at that time.

With that information presented, the debtor was unable to refute the repayment and over the course of 6 months, the debt was fully paid.

What we can learn from this:

1. When you loan money to someone in need, always ensure that you keep records of bank transfer, email correspondence, text messages and any other form of evidence that addresses the loan.

2. Give out loans knowing that it will sometimes be very hard to get it paid back. While we understand that you are in love and you want to help your partner, always remember that if the relationship ends, you may have difficulty getting it back. Not everyone is noble in character.

3. People will always try to give you reasons as to why they do not have to pay back the loan. Seek professional advice for the avenues that you can use to retrieve back your money.


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